For updated booking status check instagram @jacofsometrades.
The booking process:
The only way to book an appointment is by filling out a booking request form when my books are open. The booking form will be linked in my instagram bio and on my website. My books open every ~2 month but the specific date and time of the link drop is announced on instagram beforehand. The booking link is usually live for a few days depending on interest.
What to expect after sending a booking form:
Within the coming weeks I will reply to all the forms I am able to accommodate. The email will include a sliding scale price estimate and a link to my scheduling system. The scheduling system will let you select a time and date and pay a $100 deposit that will count towards the total price. Once you pay the deposit and schedule through the system, your appointment is confirmed and you will receive the studio address and info a few days before your appointment.
Flash and Flash Variations:
Recent flash can be found on my story highlights on instagram. All cataloged flash can be found under “Flash Gallery”. Unless the flash sheet is labeled “repeatable” I can offer variations of the piece (a similar but altered drawing). You can request flash and flash variations from current and past flash sheets.
At this time I am not accepting custom projects!
Cover Ups:
Currently I am not accepting custom cover-up project, but if a flash or flash variation piece could cover up a small/ simple tattoo, I am willing to accommodate that!